- give someone the bum's rush
- силой выдворять кого-либо вон
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
give someone the bum's rush — (slang) 1. To eject someone by force 2. To dismiss someone summarily, esp from one s employment • • • Main Entry: ↑bum * * * give someone (or get) the bum s rush forcibly eject someone (or be forcibly ejected) from a place or gathering ■ abruptly … Useful english dictionary
give someone the bum's rush — chiefly N. Amer. forcibly eject someone. → bum … English new terms dictionary
the bum's rush — n an unceremonious ejection. This is North American saloon terminology of the early 20th century, referring to barmen or doormen grabbing undesirable custom ers (such as bums) by the collar and the seat of the pants and bodily hustling them out… … Contemporary slang
give the bum's rush — ► give the bum s rush chiefly N. Amer. forcibly eject (someone). Main Entry: ↑bum … English terms dictionary
bum's rush — /bʌmz ˈrʌʃ/ (say bumz rush) Colloquial –noun 1. the peremptory dismissal of an unwanted person. 2. the peremptory rejection of an idea or proposal. –phrase 3. give someone the bum s rush, a. to eject someone forcibly. b. to reject someone, as by… …
bum's rush — {n. phr.}, {slang} Throwing or pushing someone out from where he is not wanted. * /When John tried to go to the party where he was not invited, Bill and Fred gave him the bum s rush./ * /Tom became too noisy, and he got the bum s rush./ 2. To… … Dictionary of American idioms
bum's rush — {n. phr.}, {slang} Throwing or pushing someone out from where he is not wanted. * /When John tried to go to the party where he was not invited, Bill and Fred gave him the bum s rush./ * /Tom became too noisy, and he got the bum s rush./ 2. To… … Dictionary of American idioms
bum's\ rush — n. phr. slang throwing or pushing someone out from where he is not wanted. When John tried to go to the party where he was not invited, Bill and Fred gave him the bum s rush. Tom became too noisy, and he got the bum s rush. 2. To hurry or rush… … Словарь американских идиом
bum — bum1 noun Brit. informal a person s buttocks or anus. Origin ME: of unknown origin. bum2 informal noun N. Amer. 1》 a vagrant. 2》 a lazy or worthless person. 3》 a devotee of a particular activity: a ski bum. verb (bums … English new terms dictionary
bum — ☆ bum1 [bum ] n. [< bummer, prob. < Ger bummler, loafer, habitually tardy person < bummeln, to go slowly, waste time] Informal 1. a vagrant, hobo, tramp, or beggar; specif., a shabby, often drunken derelict 2. any shiftless or… … English World dictionary
kick someone out — informal most of us were given one week suspensions from school, but Andy and Olivia were actually kicked out Syn: expel, eject, banish, exile, throw out, oust, evict, get rid of, ax; dismiss, discharge; informal chuck (out), send packing, boot… … Thesaurus of popular words